Soccer Finally
YEAH. Today Im Happy cause I played soccer after 2 months. hahaha. Fun. Me, Raffie, Kama and Annuar came down today. There were also others who came down too. Funny. You can see how kekok we played in the first few games. Especially Kama. After a few games, we finally get into our style of football. haha. Raffie was the worst today. Tk score Langsung. hahaha. kidding.Gerek ar..i enjoy my soccer today. Now can run here and there. Dulu, terkial2..kejap je dah penat.
After soccer, lepak. Bual2 sampai kol 3. Go lot 1 then Balek. Haha. kol 10 kene booked in. Kurang ajar.
Tgk Raffie step nk buat magic
After soccer, lepak. Bual2 sampai kol 3. Go lot 1 then Balek. Haha. kol 10 kene booked in. Kurang ajar.
Tgk Raffie step nk buat magic
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