Operational Ready Date.....
I've been waiting for 2 years to blog this post. Yeah! long Journey. Enlisted on 070607. Wah thats freaking long man. 2007. Posted To Apache Company. I can say for my experience in Tekong, Apache is the best. The commanders are the best. I learn a lot from there. There is LTA Azhar, 2SG Alvin, 3SG Nurulfiq and 3SG Mike. The best ever. Motivated me to lose weight in BMT. 14 freaking kg lost in BMT. I also pass my IPPT in BMT. So yeah. I achieved what i want in BMT. Go to Command School also.SISPEC. I think its a perfect place for me cause im not the Officer material who just talk and talk and sit in the office. anyway 15 weeks has been fruitful..

Enlistment day..look how out of shape i am...
Its the most training i got from. Though its not long as OCS dosent mean we cant go through OCS. The opportunity is not given. I did my best over there. Pass my SOC, got silver for IPPT and i can even run 10km for 45 minutes. got 2nd place for the whole company. effort and mind power. :) cheh. Taiwan was damn tough i tell you. Especially working with people who you cannot work with. You can see me in the worst state ever. Seriously i lost all hope at one time. the feeling is really crazy. you just stared for minutes without moving and you wanted to cry. of course i didn't cry lah. But im glad its over. Really crazy experience. But i like it. :P I managed to Pass out as a 3rd sergeant. Posted to tekong just like what i want even before entering army...hehehe.
As a commander i learn more about people behavior. I know who is malas and who is tak malas. Of course im sometimes lazy but i wont be so lazy until people talk about you..There is politics among us. This guy dun like this guy, this guy favours this guy, this guy wayang, this guy lazy this and that. whatever let's keep it to myself. well i dun like people who try to be everything. come on. You do ur job and i do my job. Dun fucking interfere with the specialist job. Dun show ur fucking rank and start scolding us in front of the recruits. What? you outrank us and can do whatever u want. FUCK YOU. well this does not happen to me, but to my friend. I'm really piss off. So what i learn from this is that dun try to be yourself and do whatever u want. Bull shit. Think about others. You want respect. Earn it. Not Demand for it. Sometimes people dun appreciate you. You just have to let ur anger go...got 4th in Drill squad and all he said was Fucked up. At least my OC is the best. Congratulate me for my effort and give me 1/2 day off. this is call appreciation. though its not much but its something. Yeah I respect my OC. I salute him just now as a sign of respect for all this 1 year ++ working under him. see.. he earn his respect. So yeah. Thank You CPT Chua Boon Leong.
So lots of memories with the commanders and Recruits.
Im not gonna emotional about tekong. Example like..im gonna miss the beautiful tekong sunset view. Fuck. If im gonna carry on like that, it will not end. The people anytime u can meet them. not as if u are migrating. hahaha.
ORD..Army Over.. Reservist. Damn i still have to Go PS Course. Dunno weather still got the power or not. Whatever. Next in my life is Degree. 3 years. I still cant see the end. We shall see.. hahaha.
2SG(NS) Muhammad Khairi..
Enlistment day..look how out of shape i am...
Its the most training i got from. Though its not long as OCS dosent mean we cant go through OCS. The opportunity is not given. I did my best over there. Pass my SOC, got silver for IPPT and i can even run 10km for 45 minutes. got 2nd place for the whole company. effort and mind power. :) cheh. Taiwan was damn tough i tell you. Especially working with people who you cannot work with. You can see me in the worst state ever. Seriously i lost all hope at one time. the feeling is really crazy. you just stared for minutes without moving and you wanted to cry. of course i didn't cry lah. But im glad its over. Really crazy experience. But i like it. :P I managed to Pass out as a 3rd sergeant. Posted to tekong just like what i want even before entering army...hehehe.
As a commander i learn more about people behavior. I know who is malas and who is tak malas. Of course im sometimes lazy but i wont be so lazy until people talk about you..There is politics among us. This guy dun like this guy, this guy favours this guy, this guy wayang, this guy lazy this and that. whatever let's keep it to myself. well i dun like people who try to be everything. come on. You do ur job and i do my job. Dun fucking interfere with the specialist job. Dun show ur fucking rank and start scolding us in front of the recruits. What? you outrank us and can do whatever u want. FUCK YOU. well this does not happen to me, but to my friend. I'm really piss off. So what i learn from this is that dun try to be yourself and do whatever u want. Bull shit. Think about others. You want respect. Earn it. Not Demand for it. Sometimes people dun appreciate you. You just have to let ur anger go...got 4th in Drill squad and all he said was Fucked up. At least my OC is the best. Congratulate me for my effort and give me 1/2 day off. this is call appreciation. though its not much but its something. Yeah I respect my OC. I salute him just now as a sign of respect for all this 1 year ++ working under him. see.. he earn his respect. So yeah. Thank You CPT Chua Boon Leong.
So lots of memories with the commanders and Recruits.
Im not gonna emotional about tekong. Example like..im gonna miss the beautiful tekong sunset view. Fuck. If im gonna carry on like that, it will not end. The people anytime u can meet them. not as if u are migrating. hahaha.
ORD..Army Over.. Reservist. Damn i still have to Go PS Course. Dunno weather still got the power or not. Whatever. Next in my life is Degree. 3 years. I still cant see the end. We shall see.. hahaha.
2SG(NS) Muhammad Khairi..
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