My Life...
So.. This week I Shouldn't say Its Boring. Go Job Hunting. Yeah. I Hate Job Hunting. Travel Here and there. Penat. I've decide to call and search at the internet. No more Hunting. I can said that this week I've been Exercising Regularly. Yeah. Jogging,Static Exercises and Swimming. Swimming yesterday at Jurong West. Not Much People. As Usual There are some idiot who thought that their father owns the pool. Lying and floating happily in the pool. People swimming Jackass! Did You know you are obstructing people?! I also manage to do some healing therapy on my knee. I want to aqua Jog. I got the float but dun have the courage to do so in front of people. hahaha.
got my pay on wednesday. A mere $180. For working 6 days. hahaha. That is so call my duit blanje for this Month.
A lot of admin stuff to do when entering school. Really A lot. Or maybe its just me. the fee i dunno how to pay for it. Mom wants the Subsidies by Mendaki. which is 70% of the fees is paid by them. I prefer the loan from mendaki. 80% of the fee is loaned. have to pay when i start interest. or the third choice. 100% pay using parents CPF. pay when i start working.Interest. So how?
I confirm have to take the English Test. Im working on it now. Scared sia. I dun want the extra english lessons. Tu lah, O level tk nk buat btul2. Only those who gets grade B4 and above for O level is exempted. Damn it lah!! I really need help from those who is good in English.
Well I better go for my Jog. Oh yeah! I found I Ipod. Its in my Claymore Bag. Yeah I call it my Claymore Bag. Cause it can fit a claymore in. What is a claymore? go find it out yourself.
Tomorrow Is Soccer. Yeah. Looking Forward for it. Tomorrow is also a gathering for my family. Haha. Kene Kemas Bilik.

Fuh. Fierce Nak mampos. I'm even shaking now...
got my pay on wednesday. A mere $180. For working 6 days. hahaha. That is so call my duit blanje for this Month.
A lot of admin stuff to do when entering school. Really A lot. Or maybe its just me. the fee i dunno how to pay for it. Mom wants the Subsidies by Mendaki. which is 70% of the fees is paid by them. I prefer the loan from mendaki. 80% of the fee is loaned. have to pay when i start interest. or the third choice. 100% pay using parents CPF. pay when i start working.Interest. So how?
I confirm have to take the English Test. Im working on it now. Scared sia. I dun want the extra english lessons. Tu lah, O level tk nk buat btul2. Only those who gets grade B4 and above for O level is exempted. Damn it lah!! I really need help from those who is good in English.
Well I better go for my Jog. Oh yeah! I found I Ipod. Its in my Claymore Bag. Yeah I call it my Claymore Bag. Cause it can fit a claymore in. What is a claymore? go find it out yourself.
Tomorrow Is Soccer. Yeah. Looking Forward for it. Tomorrow is also a gathering for my family. Haha. Kene Kemas Bilik.

Fuh. Fierce Nak mampos. I'm even shaking now...
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