Finally..The Final Week
Tomorrow will be the Final week For my BSLC. I go through a lot of shit but at the same time i had alot of fun. It would be fun if there is a photographer taking our pictures along the course. So next week we would be having advance obstacle course. What the hell is that i dunno. Then on Thursday...Our 28km Route March. YEAH! Finally. To mark The end of our course. Start at Kranji War Memorial and March all the way to Pasir Laba Camp. Its gonna be fun. Gonna fill my Water bag with 3 litres of 100 plus. haha. Giler. Then we would proceed to our Ceremony and It would be the end. Yeah. And I hope i dun have the same buddy for ASLC cause die byk bual, byk comment, byk complain. ARGH!!
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