Sunday, December 28, 2008

My MP friend

So on Saturday i just couldn't get up to play soccer. total KO. i jogged on friday night at 10pm to 1am. 25km. with warm up. damn damn tired. so i met my friends in the afternoon to give some stuff.
As we were lepaking, we saw this two recruit sitting down.
Kama: Ni kalau dorang isap rokok aku pegi tau.
Me: ok aku ikot kau.
kama is MP(military police) by vocation. it is his job to catch military personnel for such offence. So we wait. they started eating so i guess they wont dare to smoke in their uniform. we just wait. soon they finish eating and took out their cigarettes box and start smoking. So me and Kama went up to them:
Kama: Military Police.
Offenders: yes sir. (as they stand up)
you could see the panicness in their faces. WAHAHAHHA.
Kama ask them to put off their cigarettes. they were so scared that they use their hand to put off their cigarette. they were from tekong. Viper coy. and i know their sgt. Kama took their names down and off they go. confirm next time they see me in tekong, they will be scared. hahahha. I like to see recruits kancong.
we didn't go out on saturday. no where to go. Singapore is such a small place. bagos jugak. save duit. kalau tak at least $20 gone. on food. hahaha.

bye nak main game. Airborne!


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