34th blog
Hello Everyone. Today is Thursday. Im kinda bored. Yeah. Woke up in the morning with nothing to do except the com. Mother was furious with me. Damn Furious. Because I am a budak yg pemalas nk mampos. Dudok rumah, tak buat ape2, Tak Kemas rumah. haha. Sorry Mother. I just keep quiet ar..kalau ckp will add petrol to the Api. or is it diesel? or kerosene? argh. whatever. Few minutes later the situation back to stable. Kakak say she want to borrow me money for taking bike license. I say to her kau jgn merepek. aku nk masok NS. Dulu aku poly tk nk kasi. Haiyo!! Then in the evening at 6 went for a jog. I told myself Im gonna jog 7.5 km today which I eventually did. I tried to listen to my Ipod for the first time during the jog. It worked. Yeah. 7.5 km was a big accomplishment for me. Penat siol. Baju basah. Bau pun power. Mau bau ke pe? haha. Then walk slowly home. And Yeah, The BBQ plan. seems going well. Yeah. Annuar booked the pit already. Its on the 26th May and now we are planning for the food. Herman suggest Satay. I say orite. Love satay man. 35 cents sebatang. mahal. mintak kurang ar..tak mau lidi ar...pakai toothpick. Pendek and murah. In the end buang jugak pe tu lidi. haha. Roughly the plan went quite well. Jangan tak jadi sudah. haha. So thats all for Today ar. Quite a boring day except for the few minutes of scolding.
Khairi is REJUVENATED. :)
Khairi Fact of the Day.
You can't kill yourself by holding your breath. Try it. I tried It before. It didn't work. haha:)
Khairi is REJUVENATED. :)
Khairi Fact of the Day.
You can't kill yourself by holding your breath. Try it. I tried It before. It didn't work. haha:)
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