Hello there. Finally Im home. haha. Ok. Im bored right now. I will type whatever crosses my mind. So most of us completed the Combat phase( means all those shooting, grenade activities), we all are completely into the the physical phase. it Means PT. Yeah. PT one whole day. do nothing except for running and circuit training. Really tire me out but its good for us since all of us are FAT. On monday we had BAC(Basic assault Course) which is an obstacle for us to clear and fight dummy with your bayonet(the knife in front of the rifle) . its quite stupid when u think of it. do some move on the dummy and shout aggressively. As usual it rained before the activities. Rain = mud = dirty. Argh!! its the dirtiest activity ever in my BMT. first u had to leopard crawl. fight the dummy. run. fight another dummy and back crawl on a puddle of mud. pekat pulak tu. EEEee!! argh. imagine u lie down on a puddle of mud with only ur hand, rifle and head visible? giler. but it was fun ar (its always fun when u do stupid things like this). the leceh part was washing my clothes. haiz..i brought home the clothes for rewashing cause i think its still dirty. :(
Oh ya we also had SOC(standard obstacle course) yg panjat tali tu sumer ar...Yeah i manage to clear all the obstacle. Very tiring and some obstacle are very scary. im quite afraid of height thats why. haha. Some accidents happened. got one obstacle where u had to jump over barbed wire. One person was overconfident that he jump INTO the barbed wire. imagine that. INTO the barbed wire. Luckily its not Concentrina wire. kalau tk dah mampos dah kau. haha. but he was not badly injured. tu lah step berani. haha. :)
Tuesday, wednesday, thursday is PT. PT. PT. so i have nothing much to say.
Friday is IPPT. URGH! i hate this. i do improve though. haha.
I add 1 more to my chin up. i need another 3. :(
i improve my sit up which is useless cause i still earned 5 point.
i cut down 0.3 second on my shuttle run to 9.6 seconds
i maintained my standing board jump: 225cm
i managed to cut down 9 seconds on my 2.4km run to 10min 11 sec.
though little but i managed to improved. my main focus: Chin up....
after that went home wee....